Thursday, August 27, 2020

Monte Alban - Capital City of the Zapotec Civilization

Monte Alban - Capital City of the Zapotec Civilization Monte Albn is the name of the remains of an antiquated capital city, situated in a bizarre spot: on the culmination and shoulders of an exceptionally high, steep slope in the semiarid valley of Oaxaca, in the Mexican territory of Oaxaca. One of the most all around contemplated archeological destinations in the Americas, Monte Alban was the capital of the Zapotec culture from 500 B.C.E. to 700 C.E., arriving at a pinnacle populace of more than 16,500 between 300â€500 C.E. The Zapotecs were maize ranchers, and made unmistakable ceramics vessels; they exchanged with different human advancements in Mesoamerica including Teotihuacan and the Mixtec culture, and maybe the great time frame Maya development. They had a market framework, for the dispersion of merchandise into the urban areas, and like numerous Mesoamerican civic establishments, manufactured ball courts for playing ceremonial games with elastic balls. Sequence 900â€1300 C.E. (Epiclassic/Early Postclassic, Monte Albn IV), Monte Alban crumples around 900 C.E., Oaxaca Valley with a progressively scattered settlement500â€900 C.E. (Late Classic, Monte Albn IIIB), slow decrease of Monte Alban, as it and different urban communities are built up as free city-states, flood of Mixtec bunches into the valley250â€500 C.E. (Early Classic period, Monte Albn IIIA), Golden Age of Monte Alban, design in the principle square formalized; Oaxaca barrio built up at Teotihuacan150 B.C.E.â€250 C.E. (Terminal Formative, Monte Albn II), agitation in the valley, ascent of the Zapotec state with the middle at Monte Albn, city secured around 416 hectares (1,027 sections of land), with a populace of 14,500500â€150 B.C.E. (Late Formative, Monte Alban I), Oaxaca valley incorporated as a solitary political substance, city expanded to 442 ha (1,092 air conditioning), and populace of 17,000, well past its capacity to take care of itself500 B.C.E. (Center For mative), Monte Alban established by foremost rulers from San Jose Mogote and others in the Etla valley, site covers around 324 ha (800 air conditioning), populace of around 5,000 individuals The most punctual city related with the Zapotec culture was San Josã © Mogotã ©, in the Etla arm of the Oaxaca Valley and established around 1600-1400 B.C.E. Archeological proof proposes that contentions emerged in San Josã © Mogotã © and different networks in the Etla valley, and that city was surrendered around 500 B.C.E., while Monte Albn was established. Establishing Monte Alban The Zapotecs fabricated their new capital city in a bizarre spot, likely incompletely as a cautious move coming about because of distress in the valley. The area in the valley of Oaxaca is on the highest point of a tall mountain far above and in three crowded valley arms. Monte Alban was a long way from the closest water, 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) away and 400 meters (1,300 feet) above, just as any rural fields that would have upheld it. Odds are that Monte Albans private populace was not for all time found here.â A city found so distant from the significant populace it serves is known as a disembedded capital, and Monte Albn is one of not many disembedded capitals known in the antiquated world. The explanation the originators of San Jose moved their city to the highest point of the slope may have included guard, however maybe additionally a touch of advertising its structures can be seen in numerous spots from the valley arms. Rise and Fall Monte Albans brilliant age compares with the Maya Classic period, when the city grew,â and kept up exchange and political associations with numerous local and waterfront domains. Expansionist exchange connections included Teotihuacan, where individuals conceived in the Oaxaca valley relocated to an area, one of a few ethnic barrios in that city. Zapotec social impacts have been noted in Early Classic Puebla locales east of cutting edge Mexico City and to the extent the inlet coast territory of Veracruz, albeit direct proof for Oaxacan individuals living in those areas has not so far been distinguished. The force centralization at Monte Alban diminished during the Classic time frame when an inundation of Mixtec populaces showed up. A few territorial communities, for example, Lambityeco, Jalieza, Mitla, and Dainzã º-Macuilxã ³chitl rose to become autonomous city-states by the Late Classic/Early Postclassic periods. None of these coordinated Monte Albans size at its tallness. Grand Architecture at Monte Alban The site of Monte Albn has a few important surviving engineering highlights, including pyramids, a huge number of horticultural porches, and long profound stone flights of stairs. Additionally still to be seen today are Los Danzantes, more than 300 stone pieces cut between 350â€200 B.C.E., including life-sized figures which give off an impression of being representations of killed war hostages. Building J, deciphered by certain researchers as a galactic observatory, is an odd structure to be sure, with no correct edges on the outside structure its shape may have been expected to speak to an arrowpoint-and a labyrinth of tight passages in the inside. Monte Albns Excavators and Visitors Unearthings at Monte Albn have been directed by Mexican archeologists Jorge Acosta, Alfonso Caso, and Ignacio Bernal, enhanced by studies of the Valley of Oaxaca by US archeologists Kent Flannery, Richard Blanton, Stephen Kowalewski, Gary Feinman, Laura Finsten, and Linda Nicholas. Late examinations incorporate bioarchaeological investigation of skeletal materials, just as an accentuation on the breakdown of Monte Alban and the Late Classic revamping of the Oaxaca Valley into autonomous city-states. Today the site surprises guests, with its tremendous rectangular court with pyramid stages on the east and west sides. Monstrous pyramid structures mark the north and south sides of the square, and the strange Building J lies close to its middle. Monte Alban was put on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987.â Sources: Cucina An, Edgar H, and Ragsdale C. 2017. Oaxaca and its neighbors in Prehispanic times: Population developments from the point of view of dental morphological qualities. Diary of Archeological Science: Reports 13:751-758. ï » ¿Faulseit RK. 2012. State breakdown and family unit strength in the Oaxaca Valley of Mexico. Latin American Antiquity 23(4):401-425. Feinman G, and Nicholas LM. 2015. After Monte Alban in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca: A reassessment. In: Faulseit RK, editorial manager. Past Collapse: Archeological Perspectives on Resilience, Revitalization, and Transformation in Complex Societies. Carbondale: Southern Illinios University Press. p 43-69. Higelin Ponce de Leã ³n R, and Hepp GD. 2017. Chatting with the dead from southern Mexico: Tracing bioarchaeological establishments and new points of view in Oaxaca. Diary of Archeological Science: Reports 13:697-702. Redmond EM, and Spencer CS. 2012. Chiefdoms at the edge: The serious starting points of the essential state. Diary of Anthropological Archeology 31(1):22-37.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Teach you repair impact crusher Parts Essay Example For Students

Train you fix sway smasher Parts Essay Effect smasher proficiency of our companions are self-evident, similar to the human body , like quite a while, there will be some huge or little issues that we have to help explain it . Here , top Heave. W instruct experts to give you some effect smasher is regularly dangerous parts fix strategies . Favored , sway smasher support you need to Start from the mallet We begin to comprehend the fix sledge and sledge the choice of materials , and why ? Since counterattack smasher hammer is the fundamental consumable parts , the current multi-reason gig manganese steel, when one side wear, can be utilized topsy turvy But when the sledge was gravely worn on the two sides it is hard to fix , needed to supplant the mallet. On the off chance that as of now the pole gap and mallet shank isn't harmed, yet will unavoidably cause the whole sledge scrap squander. Along these lines, the sledge is being used, can not allow an excessive amount to mileage on the two sides , we ought to supplant him with a high manganese steel compound or anode surfacing to improve wear obstruction. We will compose a custom paper on Teach you fix sway smasher Parts explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Also You need to comprehend the smasher outline pair cast steel racks are for the most part not in direct contact with the material , however the frame side machine side spread plate and is dependent upon the material between the etch - type rough wear furthermore, the rack shaft gap hammer , hammer smasher after long haul work, the opening will be ground into a level round gap, sway hammer work Fix the rack is done with manganese steel surfacing . Before welding , welding pole to dry in the wake of welding, the surface ought to be smooth , even position rack surfacing weight would be adjusted else it will influence the sledge work, This technique is straightforward, the expense is higher, however the wear opposition can be expanded more than I times . Sledge shaft bore wear , in the wake of toughening in the wake of welding penetrating re-crossed or the rack plate mix, for structures with openings , simple to accomplish dimensional exactness prerequisites. The last advance is grind fix and coating fixed Impact smasher grind , because of the material effect and erosion, wear is moderately quick , and some even twist and break the mesh can wear welding pair , fix, should focus on the hole between the size of the mesh . The mesh can split fix welding , fix to the consideration Of the weld surface smooth. Twist and break the mesh ought to for the most part be supplanted with new mesh . What's more, more for high-manganese steel liner material, liner wear surfacing technique can likewise be fixed In request to spare valuable manganese steel surfacing , to utilize the hidden basic steel welding pole , and afterward manganese steel surfacing anode surface . At the point when the wear layer is slender it very well may be legitimately equally manganese steel surfacing terminal To spare welding cathodes and time reserve funds can be discontinuous welding liner into strips and work , however not very close the hole intermittence and termination , too thick to even consider saving constrained elimination not accomplish fix.

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Brief Discussion About Essay Topics With Moral Dilemma As A Framing Theme

A Brief Discussion About Essay Topics With Moral Dilemma As A Framing ThemeIf you are writing an essay, and you know the problem areas in your life are ethics, family, friends, or religious beliefs, then it is clear that you want to tackle those topics as the basis of your essay. If this is the case, then the moral dilemma essay topics will be very easy to tackle. This is true for two reasons.The first obvious reason is because the topic has been tackled before. People have argued about those topics, researched on them, and compiled all of the facts about those topics. Therefore, by using the same language that has been used many times, you do not have to worry about revising, reworking, or even re-writing your essay. You are already familiar with it and have the necessary vocabulary and research skills to deliver your message effectively.The second reason is that by applying these essay topics to a particular situation, you can bring it into the essay easily. A good example is the C hristian Right, which argues that Christianity is morally superior to other religions, and so therefore Christianity is the one true faith. By using this example, you can utilize the Christian Right arguments as a basis for your argument. It is no different than citing statistics and facts about political candidates, which can be used in a political essay.This is why essays that deal with moral dilemmas are easy to write. You simply have to find a theme and work from there. Themes are a very common way to approach the topic, especially if you want to write a scholarly essay, but there are many other topics that are also easy to tackle with themes.Morals may be difficult to understand for some people, especially for people who come from a background where morals are not given enough consideration. If you can get past the issues surrounding morals, and they become easy to understand, then you will have more students read your essay. This can often lead to a greater impact of your idea s.One way to make the topics easier to write is to make the moral dilemma more intense. If you can make them more complex and difficult, then that will also make them more likely to be read by more students.Moral dilemma essay topics are also good for those students who have not had much experience writing essays. If you can give them a theme to work with, then that is the perfect way to get them started on their own project. There is nothing worse than starting an essay and finding out that it is going to be harder than you thought it would be, and so it is important to take the time to plan out your essay before starting.Those are the reasons why you should use moral dilemma essay topics. When you have them mastered, then you can work them into almost any essay.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Project Management Tools On The Jaguar Project - 1508 Words

Impact of the project management tools on the Jaguar project Part 1 :Description of the project management tools on the Jaguar project 1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Description: WBS could divide the project into individual tasks and it could satisfy the relationship among these tasks, WBS has two goals: 1.Ensure the whole tasks can success to accomplish the project. 2.Ensure no including the works, which are unnecessary for the project. Advantagesï ¼Å¡WBS can define project plan specifically, simplify the is helpful for initial planning. Disadvantages: Once it has been finished, it is hard to change. In Jaguar project, the plan was dynamic, and software department was far behind from hardware department, in order to catch up the schedule, the tasks focus on the software development and use an increasing number of engineers, thus at the beginning, the WBS could be less effective sometimes. 2. Critical Path Analysis Description: it is usually used combing the 3-point Estimation and WBS to find the difficult task during the project. Critical Path Analysis (CPA) could identify why the whole project was delayed and predict the possible delayed task. Advantages: CPA can modify the core task dynamic, and locate the primary or essential tasks that need to be finished. With a project-scheduling program called Primavera, the project would be processed strictly in ideal situation. Disadvantages: For example, the data of the Primavera is man-made. If the departmentShow MoreRelatedTeradyne Corporation: the Jaguar Project Essay1140 Words   |  5 PagesTeradyne Corporation: The Jaguar Project Project Management Case Analysis PRESENTED TO Dr. Rupesh Kumar Pati Submitted BY Sudha T (EEPOM-05-029) Suman KR (EEPOM-05-032) Mithun Mukundan (EEPOM-05-010) Manickavasagam Ramasamy(EEPOM-05-008) Yeshaswini Rajendra (EPGP-03-193) About Teradyne Corporation †¢ Teradyne was founded by Alex d’Arbeloff and Nick DeWolf, who were classmates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the late 1940s. †¢ Teradyne was the worlds largest supplierRead MoreCategory Teradyne Traditional Project Execution Strategy1545 Words   |  7 Pagestraditional project execution strategy Planning 1. Go all-in in the front-end sizing (less details on the specification of the product) and made corrections in the detail design stage which caused quality problems in final product Engineer s Autonomy More autonomy since only after phase II (detail design) where key specifications are defined thus the engineers can easily change the product specifications and design Process Flow 1. Use of TQM, phase gate model and project management tools ( WBS,Read MoreThe Development Of Teradyne Corporation1746 Words   |  7 Pages THE JAGUAR PROJECT O’Brien was appointed as a project leader of this project called Jaguar the organisation decided to start the Jaguar project in Boston and Agoura hills starting this project means merging the two teams and both the teams are working on a flexible tester project but taking both the teams together is an issue for the organisation. Because they are working on a same project and at the same time they have their own projects to work on and both the teams donRead MoreProject Management Tools Used For Alpha Tech1148 Words   |  5 PagesProject Management Tools used in Janguar Project: 1. Work breakdown structure In the Teradyne s traditional execution of the project always not well defined, using WBS the project scope and deliverables become well defined, with detail description from all task and the relation of one task and another, it could make their job description very clear, so it easier for the manager for them to assign task to the engineer. 2. 3-ponint estimation In the jaguar project, they make scenarios for their projectRead MoreTeradyne Jaguar Project Case Study2980 Words   |  12 PagesTeradyne Jaguar Project Case Study Themes and Issues One of the major themes facing the Teradyne case was the issue with controversy. The project was impeded or reached various stumbling blocks at certain times because people in positions of power or people who occupied key positions necessary to progress the project dragged their feet. This was largely as a result of controversy: conflicting views regarding the new technology. For instances, the project management encompassed: intensive up-frontRead MoreJaguar Teradyne2184 Words   |  9 PagesBefore  Teradyne  introduced  their  Jaguar  Project  in  2001,  which  should  become  a   revolutionizing  project  management  concept,  the  company  tried  different  project  scheduling   tools  such  as  the  TQM  or  the  APP.  However  there  were  not  any  significant  improvements  in   the  project  planning  and  execution,  which  the  company  seniors  were  looking  for.  These   project  management  tools  required  the  employees  to  approach  projects  in  a  very  regulated   way,  which  they  thought  of  as  an  intrusion  to  their  free  working  cultureRead MoreCase Study : The Jaguar Venture1103 Words   |  5 Pagesis a 45 year old enterprise with practical experience in testing hardware for transistors and other electrical parts of the semiconductor business. The organization concentrated all the more on utilizing breakthroughs and survey focuses though the Jaguar venture included recently presented undertaking administration rehearses, which made the worker invest more energy in the starting phases of task creations, including different dangers and client necessities without delay. The new methods includedRead MoreRoles Of The Event Management Industry1673 Words   |  7 PagesI. Introduction Events management is the creation of an event based on motives and objectives. The process, event planning requires various aspects such as logistic, schedule, budgeting†¦ .which all must be addressed by the event manager from the creation of an event to its implementation. To understand the process of planning in this industry, I have decided to look at two crucial roles the event manager must co-ordinate. First the marketing manager role, this person is in charge of developingRead MoreTeradyne Jaguar Project 2222 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿ Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Background 3 Teradyne 3 The Semiconductor Industry 3 Teradyne Culture 4 Jaguar Project 4 Situational Analysis 5 Project Retrospective 6 Lack of Experience 6 Poor quality 6 Late action 6 Escalation of Commitment 6 Project Management tools usage 6 What should have been done? 6 Way to move forward 7 Executive Summary Background Teradyne Teradyne is a 45 year old corporation specialized in testing equipment for transistors and other electrical components ofRead MoreCase Study : Jaguar Land Rover1843 Words   |  8 PagesJaguar Land Rover (â€Å"JLR†) is a multinational manufacturer of automobiles with complex history and had struggled in producing quality products in the past (some would argue the struggle continues). The original design of the flagship automobile was done in 1947 for the Rover Company, which was taken over by British Leyland Motor Corporation and was incorporated as Land Rover in 1978. In 2002, Ford Motor Company united Jaguar and Land Rover under one entity, which is today owned by Tata Motors. The

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Case of Amanuel and His Political Asylum Claim in The United Kingdom - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2193 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Case study Level High school Did you like this example? The Case of Amanuel and His Political Asylum Claim in The United Kingdom I. Introduction This paper will establish that Amanuel has an appropriate case for refugee status in the United Kingdom on the basis of a legitimate claim for political asylum. The analysis that shall provide the underpinning for this legal conclusion is developed upon the following framework à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" a summary of the salient facts extracted from the scenario as presented; a review of the applicable international, European Community and United Kingdom conventions, statutes, regulations and case law that govern such claims; a critique of the Home Office position that is provided as the UK government opposition to Amanuels claim; the consideration of any further circumstances not specifically noted in the scenario that are submitted as operative in similar applications. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Case of Amanuel and His Political Asylum Claim in The United Kingdom" essay for you Create order It is also submitted that were an appropriately constituted UK immigration tribunal to deny Amanuels claim for refugee status based on his asylum claim, Amanuel would properly qualify for the alternative relief of a temporary stay based upon humanitarian reasons in accordance with UK law. It is noted that while there is a graphic quality to the facts, care as been taken to approach the issues as clinically and as dispassionately as possible. There is merit in the Home Office representation that on an international scale, the present case is not nearly the most serious of matters; asylum applications generally fit between a range of pure political disagreements with a particular regime, to the wholesale displacement of peoples, acts of genocide and systematic abuses directed at identified groups within a particular country. Notwithstanding the relative lesser degree of physical harm experienced by Amanuel and his hear family, it is contended that the cumulative effect of th e events presented provide an appropriate basis for asylum in the UK. II. The relevant facts The following facts are extracted from the scenario and presented as those essential to the legal issues framed by the statutes and the accompanying jurisprudence. Where an element of the scenario is not highlighted, such as Amanuels status as a law student, it is presumed to be irrelevant to the asylum analysis. (1) Ethiopia has a lengthy history of political unrest, prolonged sectarian violence and general national disharmony. It is a nation of extreme poverty where ruling parties are dictatorships that have generally have maintained control either as direct instruments of the military or otherwise backed by military rule. Amanuels claim must be assessed in the context of this history; it is not an isolated example. The ongoing conflicts in neighbouring Eritrea have produced an additional humanitarian burden, as thousands of Eritreans fleeing their nations civil war have fled to Ethiopia as refugees. (2) Political asylum as a component of refugee claims has become an i ncreasingly common aspect of this process throughout the world. The UK and European case law cited in this paper are only a representative sampling of the larger body of jurisprudence that considers this complex issue. Further, Ethiopian refugee claims made to the UK have been a subject of specific Parliamentary concern; over 450 Ethiopian claimants were denied status in 2007. (3) For the purposes of the present analysis, the Ethiopian Democratic Party (EDP) is presumed to be a legitimate political organization, i.e. one that is democratically constituted, with a party constitution or similar normal position that disavows terrorism or similar methods that are contrary to international law. Amanuel is not an applicant whose background or political involvement would otherwise disqualify him from the accepted definition of refugee. (4) It is accepted that the EDP constitute a political opposition target for the Ethiopian government. Amanuel and his family are bona fide membe rs of the EDP and their personal political convictions are legitimate self-expression; the actions undertaken by Amanuel in the course of his dealings with the government and its police arms are not a contrivance created to secure asylum; as noted below, some of the actions such as attending at a police station to complain may have been foolhardy, but they were not manufactured asylum seeking grounds. The circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Saleh are consistent with this position. However, these particular facts only corroborate Amanuels position (recognising they are largely hearsay assertions) , as opposed to constituting stand alone persuasive evidence of the risks faced by Amanuel and his family in Ethiopia. (3) The cumulative effect of the events in 2006 concerning the house search by the Ethiopian police is also supportive of Amanuels position. As with the poorly corroborated evidence of Salehs disappearance, the weight to be attached to the single incid ent involving the search of Amanuels family is limited. This proposition is advanced in recognition that the official reason for the search is a seemingly dubious pretext, but the acts of threatened and actual violence directed to Amanuel, his mother Mary and his young sister are themselves not sufficient grounds on which to build a refugee cliam. The totality of the circumstances is important to the analysis provided below. (4) The arrest and beating of Amanuel for his comments concerning the Ethiopian Constitution are relevant on two distinct bases. The first is that Amanuels ability to freely express himself concerning the scope of constitutional protection is very limited; the statements that he made were legitimate self-expression in any Western democracy, a fact that is also not determinative of the issues. However, by being labeled a criminal and opponent of the governing regime is evidence that Amanuels long term safety is directly related to his political views. There is a second and insidious element to this portion of the scenario. It may be concluded that given the swift official response to Amanuels comments made in the relative obscurity of a law class, the government are monitoring his words and actions. This circumstance is consistent with someone who is now a targeted political opponent, and when taken together with the other facts identified in the scenario, these circumstances provide a compelling prima facie factual basis on which to consider the legal elements of the asylum application. III. The Legal Framework As noted in the Introduction, the legal framework against which the identified facts must be applied has three constituent elements, the relative importance of each to a UK application is considered below. These elements are the International law; the applicable EU provisions; UK statutes and related case law. (1) International law à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" the United Nations Convention The convention is a component of international law that has been incorporated by specific reference into EU and UK law. The definition of refugee is central to Amanuels position; he must establish that he has a well-founded fear of persecution that is a result of his political opinions; he must also establish that he is unable to obtain the requisite protection of his rights in Ethiopia from the domestic authorities. (2) European Union refugee provisions The EU provisions concerning asylum and refugee status are consistent with the general UN approach. In recent years, a significant body of EU case law has developed concerning the distinction between an asylum seeker and economic migrants. The Hague Programme has four distinct elements, of which the qualification Directive is the most pertinent to Amanuels case.The central theme of this jurisprudence has been the stated fear that bogus asylum seekers will subvert the legitimate asylum claims; the EU approach is therefore directed to the prevention of illegal immigration that is cloaked in refugee clothing. The ECHR provides a clear prohibition against the forced return of any person to their country of origin by a member state where the subject may be detained or tortured for their political views. By virtue of the Human Rights Act, 1998, this provision is submitted as operative in UK law. (3) The UK Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act (NIA) and the relevant case law As a general proposition, the UK applies the UN Convention definition of refugee as stated above.The NIA also provides that an asylum c laim must be made as soon as reasonably possible upon the claimants arrival in the UK. It is noted that not only has Amanuel evidently complied with this provision, he brings proverbial clean hands to his application, in contrast to asylum seekers who make their applications based on false travel documents or whose application is advanced after they are held by UK authorities for failing to comply with entry provisions. A large subset of the UK case law decided in the past 15 years on refugee issues has centred on the overarching question of asylum overload as a threat to the general stability of UK society.In particular, the Court of Appeal has noted that the often stated right to asylum is nothing of the sort. The Court has emphatically determined in a series of decisions that refugee status is not the equivalent of an international passport in the UK, the right extends only to the ability to apply, not the acceptance of the claim by the state. The UK cases have also d elineated the distinction between certain torture and imprisonment for ones political views on return to the country of origin, versus the degree of risk faced by the applicant of such a consequence. It is noted that as with all other elements of refugee claims, the UK courts do not assess the evidence to an absolute standard. The House of Lords definitions as established in the 1988 decision of Sivakumuran are applicable à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" the fear of persecution must be well founded, with a reasonable degree of likelihood that the applicant will be subjected to such treatment, not proof beyond a reasonable doubt. The standard must apply whether the subjects return is voluntary or involuntary. IV. The Home Office position à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" a critique The Home Office position as expressed in the scenario requires careful attention. There are aspects of the position that are frankly illogical; these are specifically noted below. However, as with the general thrust of Amanuels claim, the best approach to the Home Office views is to determine whether its cumulative effect, like that of the Amanuel claim, provides a persuasive basis on which to reject the asylum application. The Home Office position at its highest may be summarised as one that acknowledges that Amanuel and his family face a difficult time in Ethiopia given their political views. The Home Office position must not be taken as a sanction or otherwise endorse the methods employed by the Ethiopian government to quell apparent legitimate dissent. For the Home Office, the matter is clearly one of degree. Amanuels case, while regrettable in the extreme, does not in its eyes approach the stark circumstances necessary to grant the powerful remedy of asylum. Implici t in the Home Office position is a recognition that asylum cases are plagued by a lack of third party verification or other independent evidence; it is generally the word of Amanuel as to the degree of his and his families difficulties with the government that are at the heart of his case. This is a legitimate concern but not an insurmountable barrier in the present application. This observation is made in the notwithstanding the patent illogic of elements of the Home Office position. The most obvious of these are: (i) The Ethiopian governmental ability to keep records is not proof of anything; if an enemy of the state were detained in contravention of international law, it is logical that the prisoner not be listed on an official record (ii) Amanuel went looking for trouble by attending the police station, yet his pursuit of a complaint is evidence that Ethiopia provides a meaningful complaints process to its citizens (iii) The apparent acceptance of normal police a ctivity in Ethiopia as including a beating or threats of physical violence However, even with such circumstances stripped away from the Home Office position, the totality of the evidence and the conclusion that Amanuels case falls short of the requisite legal standard cannot be rejected out of hand. IV. Other Circumstances This paper establishes that Amanuels application must fall within the ambit of current UK refugee law. In the alternative, if he were to be unsuccessful in his application on the basis that the evidence tendered is not sufficiently compelling or it otherwise lacks sufficient third party verification, Amanuel has established that on a humanitarian basis he ought to be permitted a temporary stay on humanitarian grounds. Taken in totality, notwithstanding questions of sufficiency, there is no question that Amanuel faces a threat to his personal safety if he were compelled to return to Ethiopia. The immediate government response to his in-class opinions concerning the Ethiopian Constitution is powerful evidence in this respect. V. Conclusion It is submitted that no single incident as alleged by Amanuel in the present scenario will provide a sufficient factual basis on which a viable asylum application can be advanced under UK law, a jurisprudence that encompasses the relevant provisions of UN and EU asylum law. When the facts are assessed in totality, it is submitted that Amanuel should succeed with his refugee claim. Whether his action in provoking the local government as discussed were foolhardy is not a disqualification of his claim. A plain and uninterrupted linkage can be made between his political views and the likely harm that will befall him if he must return to Ethiopia.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Geography And The Geography Of Greece - 1604 Words

When telling about the geography of Greece, all five themes of geography need to be addressed. The five themes of geography are location, place, region, movement, and human-environmental interaction. The absolute location of a specific place is the coordinates of a map using longitude and latitude. A place is an area that is defined by its physical and cultural characteristics. A region is areas that are similar and have definite characteristics. The movement is the way people, products, and ideas travel from one place to another. Human-environmental interaction is the relationship between humans and the environment in a certain area. The location of the country of Greece can be stated in many different ways. The absolute location is given in latitude and longitude. Latitude is the imaginary lines that run horizontally on the Earth’s surface (World Atlas, 2015). By definition, longitude is the imaginary lines that run vertically through the North and South poles (World Atlas, 2015). The absolute location of the capital of Greece, Athens is 39 degrees North and 22 degrees East. The country of Greece can also be described by using relative location. Relative location is defined by the nearby surroundings or countries close to Greece. For example, Greece is located in the northern and eastern hemispheres, and at the southern edge of the Balkan Peninsula, also known as southeast Europe (World Atlas, 2015). Another way to state Greece’s relative location is that it is north ofShow MoreRelatedHistory And Geography Of Greece Essay2046 Words   |  9 Pagesof the team in charge of evaluating the possibility of entering in Greece to start an olive business, i took the time to dig into the history and geography of the country, its economy, how the government operates, the culture, and any potential ethical concern that will prevent us from entering the country. The following report covers each of this aspect and provides a recommendation on entering the m arket. Overview Greece, located in the Southern Europe and has a very irregular-shaped peninsulaRead MoreThe Geography Of The Greece And Roman Empires967 Words   |  4 PagesThe geography of the Greece and Roman Empires seem really similar, both on the coast lines of the Mediterranean Sea. But they are really different in terms of land and what crops they can grow. The Greece Empire while on the Mediterranean Sea had a vast problem with the weather conditions that the sea brought, many earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanoes. They also faced deep valleys and large mountain terrain. This land was not easy to farm wheat but it was a great place to grow olives and grapesRead MorePhysical Geography Of Greece By Alexis Abrams1865 Words   |  8 PagesGreece Alexis Abrams Tuesday PM class Baker college of Port Huron Physical geography of Greece is located in Southern Europe, bordering the Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, between Albania and Turkey. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Millegan Creek Apartments

Millegan Creek Apartments- Financial Analysis Essay The Millegan Creek Apartment case is an example of a commercial loan. The parties involved in the commercial loan are JP Multifamily Inc. and Fleet Bank. Real Estate group at Fleet Bank want to find out whether or not to accept JPI’s proposed $15,715,000 loan for a 390-unit apartment project in Austin, Texas. The details about the each party, market and financial analysis of the project is outlined below. THE BORROWER -JP MULTIFAMILY INC. The Development Expertise JPI Multifamily Inc. (JPI) was founded in 1989 by John Carpenter and Frank Miller, who had worked together at Southland Financial. JPI, a first class developer, was known as a â€Å"merchant builder† meaning that they developed properties with the intention of selling rather than owning them. JPI had begun seriously investigate in Austin market in 1991. They purchased their first site in early 1992, which was a â€Å"trophy property†, 210-unit project, located in the Southwest part of Austin. The second property JPI purchased in Austin was located in the North Central Area which was a 342-unit project. And, finally the third apartment development in the Austin for JPI would be a 390 unit the Millegan Creek Apartments project. The investment Strategy JPI tried to achieve at least a 150 basis point spread between the initial yield and the current market capitalization rates. JPI was seeking development opportunities which provide a going-in cap rate (or cash on cash return) of at least 10% on the total project cost. They had developed approximately 2800 apartment units and 1,640 apartments. This record was in line their investment strategy of targeting a â€Å"holding period for development projects of two to three years. In 1994, they had eight properties with 2,700 units under construction, four of which were under agreement to be sold upon completion. THE LENDER-FLEET BANK Fleet Bank is being considered as a lender of the project. The Austin Market is a new market for Fleet Bank. Fleet wants to diversify its loan portfolio out of Northeast. Tom Hayden’s (a vice president in Commercial Real Estate at Fleet Bank) assignment was to seek financial opportunities in real estate in the State of Texas. Based on Tom’s research, JPI was an active developer who had survived the Texas real estate crash built a large number of apartments. SALIENT FACTS of MILLEGAN CREEK APARTMENTS PROJECT The Description of the Product: Jefferson at Millegan Creek Apartment would be a typical JPI luxury apartment complex. The apartment would target renters with high discretionary incomes who could probably afford a single-family home, but made a lifestyle choice to live in rental apartments. Site amenities included two swimming pools, a clubhouse, fitness center with sauna and steam rooms, and the laundry facilities. Standard features in each apartment included nine-foot ceilings, a security system, crown molding and upgrade white on white appliances. Location: The Millegan Creek site was located in Williamson County, adjacent to the city of limits of Austin and approximately 11 miles northwest of the central business district. The site was an irregular, rectangular shape consisting of about 21. 5 acres, with 904 feet of frontage along McNeil Road. Near Highways: Parmer Lane had recently been expanded from a two lane to a six-lane road and provided excellent north-south access. McNeil Road brought about 15,000 cars in an east west direction past the site each day and had recently been upgraded from a two lane to a five-lane road. In addition, McNeil Road was being extended three miles to connect to Wells Branch Parkway. Construction financing:The loan was being reviewed by Fleet Bank because the volume of deals JPI doing, their existing lenders (NationsBank, Guaranty Federal Savings Bank (in Dallas), BankOne, General Electric Credit Corporation had reached the limit of the exposure they wanted with any borrower. Construction problem:The site was level with no significant subsurface rocks, which would not create construction problem. Property Taxes :The site was outside the City of Austin which can provide lower property taxes and easy zoning approval. Total Project Cost: $19,644,000 Loan Amount: $15,715,000 Land Cost: $1,425,000 The holding period: Target holding period is two to three years MARKET ANALYSIS Regional Economic Drivers Austin housing market holds a comparative advantage and this advantage exists because; -it’s ranked sixth in the nation as a preferred location for a new manufacturing facility, Austin economy had always been universities and government as the state capital. Austin had a government workforce of over 110,000 including state, country and city employees and plus recently added 3,000 government sector jobs, -The location of project was close to many of Austin’s high tech companies. Texas Instruments had a big campus located across the street. Others in the area included: Abbott Laboratories, Tandem Computers, 3M, and State Farm Insurance. Apple Computers had also announced plans to build a new, $28 million, 300,000square foot facility to house its U. S. Customer support Service The other strength of Austin is that the city is filled with good universities. Companies were attractive to Austin economy by the presence of university –based research and its very desirable climate. Market demand Austin had experienced significant population growth and local economists expected these trends to continue. The average family size would continue to be about 2. 43 people per household. Job Growth Since the strength of the apartment market heavily dependent upon continued growth in the local market, local job market figures as follows; -As of September 1993, Austin’s employment totaled 425,800 and its unemployment rate was at 4. %. Austin added almost 30,000 jobs in the 1992-1993 periods. -The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts projected job growth for the next two years to continue in the 3% to 3. 2% range. INVESTMENT DECISION I recommend Fleet Bank to approve the loan based on the market analysis outlined above and the attached financial analysis. The highlights of ratios listed in Exhibit 1 as follows; Cash on cash return 13. 70% , IRRe 5YR Hold 26. 48%, IRRo 5 YR Hold 16. 62% and Cap Rate (in) 10. 67%. In the loan calculations the interest rates is taken as 8%. Considering that nstitutional buyers in the region were paying cap rates in the 8% to 9% for the new apartments, JPI can achieve its investment strategy of obtaining at least 150 basis point for its investments. The debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) in commercial real estate finance refers to the primary measure to determine if a property will be able to sustain its debt based on cash flow. Typically most commercial banks require the ratio of 1. 15-1. 35 times (net operating income or NOI/annual debt service) to ensure cash flow sufficient to cover loan payments is on an ongoing basis. Building and planning a new club house EssayThe net investment in the property is the cost of the property minus the amount borrowed. One way to understand the ratio is to compare it to a return on a certificate of deposit. If the bank pays you an annual return of, say 5%, the 5% is the Cash on Cash return on the deposit. However, unless the property is owned free and clear, this is not a totally true comparison. The return you get is AFTER the mortgage and all other expenses have been paid. It can therefore fluctuate wildly. Whereas, if you put $200,000 in the bank in a CD you can be certain that you will get the return you expected. Please note that the Cash on Cash return does not include property appreciation which is a non-cash flow item until the year of sale. Therefore, if you are evaluating a property on a long-term basis, you need to focus more on the annual cash flow as it relates to your investment and focus less on property appreciation. CAPITALIZATION RATE (CAP RATE) The Cap Rate is a ratio that places a value on a property based on the net operating income (NOI) it generates which allows for a comparison of properties with different Fair Market Values (FMV). The Cap Rate is computed by taking the rental NOI and dividing it by the propertys FMV. The higher the Cap Rate, the better the property is said to be performing. Note that the Cap Rate is not a computation of an investment return but rather a way of understanding how a property will generate NOI so it can be compared to other properties. Cap Rate Practical Use #1 You can use the Cap Rate to value your property. Lets say that your property generates $30,000 of annual net operating income. Your real estate agent tells you that the Capitalization Rate in your area is approximately 10%. That would mean that the approximate fair market value of your property is $300,000 ($30,000 ? .10). Cap Rate Practical Use #2 Assume that you are comparing two properties. The first property has a projected NOI of $20,000 and an asking price of $500,000. The second property has a NOI of only $10,000 with an asking price of $110,000. Which one would the Cap Rate suggest is a better investment? The Cap Rate would suggest that the second property is a better investment since the Cap Rate is 9% ($10,000 ? $110,000) versus 4% ($20,000 ? $500,000). LOAN TO VALUE RATIO (LTV or LVR) The Loan-to-Value Ratio is the amount of a secured loan or mortgage divided by the fair market value of the property. For example, if your property is worth $100,000 and you have a mortgage balance of $50,000, the Loan-to-Value ratio on your home would be 50%. The LVR helps you quickly determine how leveraged your property is based on the fair market value of the property versus your cost. You can also use the LVR to determine the amount of your equity. If you have more than one loan secured against your property, add together the outstanding value of each loan in order to calculate the Loan-to-Value ratio. For example, if your home is worth $100,000 and you have a mortgage balance of $50,000, the Loan-to-Value ratio on your home would be 50%. However, if you also have a second secured loan on your home for $25,000, the Loan-to-Value ratio on your home would be 75% ((50,000 + 25,000) divided by 100,000). GROSS RENT MULTIPLIER (GRM) The Gross Rent Multiplier (GRM) is another way to value and compare properties. Used mostly in the apartment industry, the GRM is much like the Capitalization Rate except the gross rental income rather than the net operating income (NOI) is used to determine the value of a property. The GRM is calculated by dividing the fair market value of the property by the monthly gross rental income. EXAMPLE: If the sales price for a property is $200,000 and the monthly gross rental income for a property is $2,500, the GRM is equal to 80 ($200,000 ? $2,500). INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN (IRR) When an investment creates differing amounts of annual cash flow, a rate of return can be determined by calculating the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The formula for computing the IRR is very complicated but essentially an IRR is the rate needed to convert (or discount) the future uneven cash flow to equal your initial investment or down payment. EXAMPLE: Assume a cash flow of $100 in the second year. Also, assume that in order to generate that $100, you had to invest $500. In this example, you have an outflow of $500 the first year and an inflow of $600 in the second year ($100 earnings plus the $500 return of your initial investment). To convert or discount the $600 back to todays dollars to equal your initial investment of $500, a discount rate of 20% is required. Thus, your IRR is 20%. In other words, IRR is the discount rate at which the net present value of all future cash flow is zero (discounted future cash flows = starting investment amount). The net meaning you subtract your initial investment. Leveraged vs. Unleveraged IRR When you use debt to purchase a property, you are using leverage. The program computes your IRR based on how debt impacts your cash flow. As a result, you can compare the leveraged and unleveraged IRR to determine how debt is helping or hurting your investment results. MODIFIED INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN (MIRR) The Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) is used to correct a significant inherent problem with the IRR calculation. The IRR formula   assumes that you are reinvesting the annual cash flow at the same rate as calculated by the IRR. As a result, when you have a property that generates significant cash flow, the calculated IRR will overstate the likely financial return of the property. The MIRR allows you to enter a different rate that is applied to the propertys annual cash flow. Using the MIRR will more closely mimic the real rate of return since operating cash flow is rarely invested at a higher rate than a bank savings rate. The finance rate is the annual interest rate paid to borrow money during years the property experiences a negative cash flow. The reinvestment rate is the rate of return earned on the excess cash flow that is generated by the property.

Monday, April 13, 2020

A Holy Nation Essay Research Paper A free essay sample

A Holy Nation Essay, Research Paper A Holy State After making the universe, a Eden for human sort, God is forced to ostracize Adam and Eve because they disobey His orders to non eat fruit from the tree of wisdom. This consequences finally in the autumn of adult male to earth. Immediately from the beginning of his clip on Earth, adult male chooses non to follow the way set before him by God but alternatively spreads evil throughout the universe. Therefore, the built-in job worlds face is the force per unit area to justice between good and evil, the demand to draw a bead on to be like God. God # 8217 ; s first solution to this job was to deluge the universe killing everyone, but those on Noah # 8217 ; s arch. God realizes, nevertheless, that this is non an reply to the job that worlds are, and decides upon a 2nd solution, that being the Holy Nation of Israel. We will write a custom essay sample on A Holy Nation Essay Research Paper A or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page God creates Israel, so that the Holy Nation and its history can function as a guiding-light to the universe. Israel is hence an illustration in which the universe can look upon and larn from. A polar character within the great history of Israel, is the Holy Nation # 8217 ; s first male monarch, King Saul. Saul epitomizes the debatable homo being, and his character to the full illustrates human pride, the demand to lift up and be like God in judging what is right and incorrect. This pride is finally the cardinal beginning of all other wickednesss. The regulation of Saul over the people of Israel is a major turning point for the Holy Nation, for it marks the terminal of a line of Judges and begins a line of Kings. Saul is anointed male monarch of Israel due to the wickedness of the people of Israel. The citizens of Israel, notice non merely that Samuel, the Judge, was turning old, but besides that his boies, whom he appointed to win him as Judge, # 8220 ; did non follow their male parent # 8217 ; s ways but were purpose on their ain net income, taking payoffs, and corrupting the class of justness # 8221 ; ( 8:3 ) . As a consequence the people demanded a male monarch be appointed to govern over them, even after they were given a grave warning of the hereafter king # 8217 ; s tyranny ( 8:10-8:18 ) . Because the Israelites reject the order of Judges, they thereby reject God # 8217 ; s word that He will salvage them, and have, as a consequence, lost religion in God. God states to Samuel, # 8220 ; Listen to the people and all that they are stating ; they have non rejected you, it is I whom they have rejected, I whom they will non hold be their King # 8221 ; ( 8:7 ) . In malice of His people # 8217 ; s transgress against Him, nevertheless, God finds a male monarch to govern over Israel, and chooses Saul. In the beginning Saul is a strong and low leader to his people. When is uncle inquiries him about Samuel # 8217 ; s comments, Saul replies, # 8221 ; # 8216 ; He told us that the donkeys had been found # 8217 ; # 8230 ; but he did non reiterate what Samuel had said about his being king # 8221 ; ( 10:16 ) . He does non state his uncle that he is to go male monarch of Israel because he is non cocksure and disdainful in his place as swayer over God # 8217 ; s chosen 1s. Furthermore, Saul becomes really avid and effectual leader when he chooses to # 8220 ; [ take ] a brace of cattle, cut them in pieces, and [ send ] courier with the pieces all through Israel to proclaim that the same would be done to the cattle of any adult male who did non follow [ Samuel and himself ] to conflict # 8221 ; ( 11:5 ) . Saul # 8217 ; s first Acts of the Apostless and first successes as king prove non merely that he possesses the qualities of a good leader, but besides reinforces in the head of the people that he is God # 8217 ; s chosen. Saul # 8217 ; s first triumphs against the state # 8217 ; s enemies cause great joy and exhilaration amongst the Israelites. During this minute of rejoicing, Samuel gives a warning to the people of Israel that is more directed towards Saul himself. Samuel provinces, # 8220 ; If you will idolize the Lord and give true and loyal service, if you do non arise against his bids, and if you and the male monarch who reigns over you are faithful to the Lord you God, good and good, but if you do non obey the Lord, and if you rebel against his bids, so his custodies will be against you and against your male monarch # 8221 ; ( 12:14-15 ) . Here, Samuel is effectually warning against the built-in homo job, stating the people non of all time to replace God # 8217 ; s opinion for one # 8217 ; s ain opinion. Although this is merely a warning, it comes at a really unexpected clip and foreshadows Saul # 8217 ; s ageless autumn signifier God # 8217 ; s good favour. Saul # 8217 ; s errors and wickednesss toward God Begin in his really following run against the Philistines. # 8220 ; The Philistines mustered to assail Israel ; they had thirty 1000 chariots and six thousand Equus caballus, with foot every bit countless as the sand on the coast. The Israelites found themselves in sore passs, for the ground forces was hard pressed, so they hid themselves in caves and holes and among the stones, in cavities and cisterns # 8221 ; ( 13:5-6 ) . Upon this hapless image of his countrymen Saul begins to doubt God # 8217 ; s promise to salvage His people, therein lies Saul # 8217 ; s fatal error, and adult male # 8217 ; s footing for wickedness. As a consequence Saul chooses to moving in the mode of heathens, make whole-sacrifices in order to # 8220 ; guarantee the Lord # 8217 ; s favor # 8221 ; . Although giving to God may look little and excusable, the ground for which Saul chooses to move in this mode is non. Saul has shown that he has lost his a ssurance in God, and that his actions no longer correspond to God # 8217 ; s wants because he can some how justice between right and incorrect for himself. At this point Saul # 8217 ; s ruin is non to the full evident to the reader, but Samuel is able to see through to Saul # 8217 ; s lifelessly wickedness. Samuel provinces, # 8220 ; You have acted foolish ly! You have non kept the bid laid on you by the Lord your God ; if you had he would hold established your dynasty over Israel for all clip. But now your line will non digest ; the Lord will seek out a adult male after his ain bosom, appoint him prince over his people, because you have non kept the Lord’s command† ( 13:13-14 ) . Samuel’s words at this point seem far excessively drastic, but Samuel makes this statement because he is able to acknowledge that Saul’s broken concluding can merely take to more utmost wickednesss against God. During Saul # 8217 ; s following run against the Amalekites, Samuel # 8217 ; s warning comes to fruition, and now non merely is God and Samuel able to see Saul # 8217 ; s evident defects, but so can the reader. God straight commands Saul during a clip in which # 8220 ; the word of the Lord was seldom heard, and there was no spring of vision # 8221 ; ( 3:1 ) , saying, # 8220 ; Go now, autumn upon the Amalekites, destruct them, and put their belongings under prohibition. Spare no 1, put them to decease, work forces and adult females, kids and babes in weaponries, herds and flocks, camels and donkey # 8221 ; ( 15:3 ) . Fully understanding the bids that God gave him, Saul goes straight into conflict with the Amalekites, yet he chooses non to obey God # 8217 ; s word, in malice of the strong accent that was put on the right class of Acts of the Apostless he should hold taken due to God # 8217 ; s rare direct direction. # 8220 ; Saul inflicted licking on the Amalekites # 8230 ; but Agag male monarch of the Amalekites he took alive # 8230 ; and his ground forces spared the best of the sheep and cowss, the fat animals and the lambs, and everything worth maintaining ; these they were unwilling to destruct, but anything that was useless and of no value they destroyed # 8221 ; ( 15:7 ) . Therefore Saul as acted out in entire rebelliousness of God. He no longer follows the word of God, but alternatively has acted out of his ain will. His rejection of the word of the Lord consequences in his loss of the Kingdom of Israel as prophesized by Samuel who took Agag and # 8220 ; hewed [ him ] in pieces # 8221 ; . Saul # 8217 ; s actions at Amalek go a polar point in Saul # 8217 ; s life because God does non back up him any longer ; he has loss his anointing as King of Israel. The statement that ensues between Saul and Samuel is a most powerful piece of symbolism. # 8220 ; As [ Samuel ] turned to travel, Saul caught the corner of his cloak and it tore. # 8221 ; ( 15:27 ) . At this point Saul is standing like a guilty kid, pitiably keeping onto a shred of fabric. This image marks the start of Saul # 8217 ; s drastic ruin. A new male monarch is revealed to Samuel, by God, as being David. God besides anoints David as King of Israel, showing a major struggle since there are now two male monarchs of Israel. David is besides appointed commanding officer of Israel # 8217 ; s ground forces and succeeds in conflict, routing his enemies a figure of times. As a consequence Israelites begin stating, # 8220 ; Saul struck down Thousands, but David 10s of 1000s # 8221 ; ( 18:7 ) . This causes Saul to go thick with green-eyed monster of David, and shortly Saul is seen hurtling lances seeking to slay David, yet David surprisingly is able to dodge certain decease. # 8220 ; After this Saul was afraid of David because he saw that God had forsaken him and was with David, [ who ] led his work forces into action and succeeded in everything that he undertook # 8221 ; ( 18:12 ) . Yet Saul continues to prosecute and seek to slay David, a clear agent of God. Therefore, Saul has finally developed on three separate degrees. On the first of these degrees, he foremost begins to doubt God # 8217 ; s power and word when he sees the monolithic Philistine ground forces and makes a forfeit to guarantee God # 8217 ; s support. This first wickedness easy progresses onto a 2nd degree, when Saul chooses to openly withstand God and decides to save Agag. In his concluding degree of development, Saul has deteriorated into an evil individual seeking for a manner to destruct God # 8217 ; s good work. Although it is absolutely clear that God protects David, Saul continues to seek and kill him. At this junction Saul finds himself entirely ; his boy is on David # 8217 ; s side, his girl is on David # 8217 ; s side, his people are on David # 8217 ; s side, and most significantly God is on David # 8217 ; s side. Therefore, Saul must decease and give manner to David, yet David is unwilling to kill God # 8217 ; s anointed one, and the Philistines are kep t from putting to death Saul because they are all uncircumcised. The concluding solution nowadayss itself when Saul is injured and # 8220 ; thereupon [ he ] took his ain blade and fell on it. Once Saul is dead as a consequence of his ain manus, David is king and he is non stained with the blood of another anointed male monarch. Saul # 8217 ; s patterned advance from God # 8217 ; s take male monarch to king against God comes full circle. He came from the wickedness of the people and hence he must decease when he returns to that wickedness. Saul # 8217 ; s narrative serves as an illustration of human nature # 8217 ; s need to judge for itself in its purest signifier. This demand is really debatable, as we have seen, because worlds can merely see the obvious cause and effects that present themselves throughout life. # 8220 ; The Lord does non see as a mortal sees ; persons see merely visual aspects but the Lord sees into the bosom # 8221 ; ( 16:7 ) . As worlds our perceptual experiences are imperfect, and as a consequence we can non perchance judge what is right and what is incorrect. Therefore, the most basic human wickedness is so necessitate to go like God in doing these opinions that we can non perchance do with any truth what so of all time. Saul embodies pure pride and is apart of Israel # 8217 ; s development into a state that will finally function as a usher to the universe because he is a theoretical account of what worlds must keep themselves organize making and being.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Briley Brothers Killing Spree

The Briley Brothers Killing Spree In 1979, Brothers Linwood Briley, James Briley Jr., and Ray Briley went on a seven-month  killing spree  in their hometown of Richmond, Virginia. When they were finally caught, there were 11 people dead, although investigators believed that there were as 20 victims. Childhood Years James and Bertha Briley were a hard-working couple when their first child, Linwood Earl Briley, was born in 1995.  Their second child, James Dyral Briley, Jr. was born about 18 months later followed by their youngest and last child, Anthony Ray Briley. From the outside looking in, the Briley family seemed well adjusted and happy. They lived in a nice two-story home located on Fourth Avenue in downtown Richmond. Unlike a lot of kids their age, the Briley boys came from an unbroken home where both parents were directly involved with their lives. Helping Hands During their preteen years, the boys would lend a hand to some of their senior neighbors by helping tend to their yards or help start a car.  The general consensus around the neighborhood was that the brothers were polite, helpful and all around good kids. That same opinion was not shared by their schoolmates. At school, the brothers harassed and bullied the other kids. The brothers seemed indifferent towards adult authority and would tend to ignore  whatever the punishment  was that was handed out by a teacher or the principle. But when they got home, their father James Sr., was clearly the one in charge and managed to invoke a level of fear in his sons. Bertha Moves Away   The Briley brothers had two major interests. They enjoyed collecting exotic spiders and snakes like tarantulas, piranhas, and boa constrictors and they habitually cut and saved newspaper stories about gang activity.   When the boys reached their teenage years, Bertha and James split up and she moved away. The split was apparently  amicable  and without drama. It was also during this time that James Sr. was weighed down with growing concerns about how Linwood was acting and the influence he had over the other boys. He developed a sense of fear of his sons. Worried for his own safety,  he began locking his bedroom door at night from the inside with a deadbolt.   Orline Christian On January 28, 1971, Linwood Briley was 16 years old and home alone, when he saw his neighbor,  57-year-old Orline Christian, outside hanging up her laundry. For no apparent reason, Linwood got a rifle from the closet, aimed it out his second-floor bedroom window towards Christian, and pulled the trigger,  fatally shooting  Christian. Somehow no one noticed that she had a gunshot wound in her back and it was assumed that stress led to her death after having recently buried her husband. Then during a viewing her body, some of her relatives noticed a spot of blood on her dress. Curious as to why the family asked for a second examination. It was during the second examination that a bullet was found lodged in her back and a murder investigation was opened. An investigation of the murder scene led the police straight to Linwoods bedroom window. A search of the house produced the murder weapon. With the solid evidence staring him in the face, Linwood confessed to the murder.  In a flat, unemotional voice, the 16-year old said to the detective:  I heard she had heart problems, she would have died soon anyway. Linwood was found guilty and sentenced to one year in reform school. The Murder Spree Begins In March 1979, the Briley gang had a plan to do a series of random burglaries and home invasions. The plan was that the group would get in and out fast and not leave any witnesses alive. William and Virginia Bucher March 12, 1979- The Briley gang went to  Henrico County and randomly selected the  home of William and Virginia Bucher. Linwood knocked on the Buchers door, and when William answered it Linwood claimed that he had car trouble and needed to borrow a phone to call Triple A. Williams said he would make the call and asked Linwood for his Triple-A card, but when he opened the screen door to get the card, Linwood rushed towards him and forced his way into the house. The rest of the gang followed behind Linwood and they took control of William and Virginia and tied them up in separate rooms. They then went through each room and took any valuable that they wanted and saturated the rooms with kerosene. When they were finished stealing what they wanted, Linwood poured kerosene all over Williams legs, then lit a match as he was leaving the house. The Buchers were left tied up inside to burn to death alive. Somehow William Bucher managed to untie himself and he was able to get himself and his wife to safety. The Buchers are the only known victims of the Briley gang that survived their attack. Michael McDuffie March 21, 1979- Michael McDuffie  was the victim of a home invasion. The Briley gang forced themselves into his home, assaulted McDuffie and robbed the home and then shot McDuffie to death. Mary Gowen April 9, 1979 - Mary Gowen was walking home from a babysitting job when the Briley gang spotted her and followed her to her home. They then forced their way into her home and beat, robbed and raped her repeatedly, then shot her in the head. The 76-year-old woman managed to survive the attack, but fell into a coma the next day and died a few weeks later. Christopher Philips July 4, 1979 -  Christopher Philips, age 17, lingered around Linwoods car a minute too long. Assuming that he was planning on stealing it, the Bailey brothers forced the boy to a field where they beat and kicked him and then Linwood killed him by crushing his head with a  cinderblock. Johnny G. Gallaher   September 14, 1979 - Popular disc jockey John Johnny G. Gallaher was playing in a band at a nightclub when he went outside during a break. The Briley gang saw him and forced him into the trunk of his  Lincoln Continental, then drove to an old paper mill out by the James River. Gallaher was pulled from the trunk, robbed and shot in the head at close range. His body was discovered floating in the river two days later. Mary Wilfong September 30, 1979 - Mary Wilfong, age 62, was working as a private nurse when the Briley gang saw her and followed her home. Just as she was about to enter her apartment, the Brileys assaulted her, then beat her to death with a baseball bat, after which they burglarized her apartment. Blanche Page and Charles Garner October 5, 1979 - On Fourth Avenue, not far from the Briley home, the brothers  assaulted  then  bludgeoned to death 79-year-old Blanche Page, then beat and stabbed to death her boarder, 59-year old Charles Garner. According to investigators, the beating and murder of Garner was one of the most brutal that the investigators had ever seen. The Wilkersons October 19, 1979 -  Harvey Wilkerson and his wife, 23-year-old Judy Barton and her five-year-old son lived around the corner from the Brileys home. Wilkerson and the Briley brothers had known each other for years and were friends. The four would often talk about snakes since, like the Briley brothers, Wilkerson also owned pet snakes.   On October 19, the Brileys were in a celebratory mood. J.B., the middle brother, had been paroled earlier that day. Throughout the day the brothers had been hanging out on Fourth Avenue, drinking and smoking pot, and as night fell they began to talk seriously about finding another victim that night. They decided on Harvey Wilkerson, possibly because they thought he had been dealing drugs and wanted the money or his customers or both. Wilkerson was outside when he saw the Briley brothers and 16-year-old Duncan Meekins headed his way. He went inside and locked the door, but the group kept coming. When they got to Wilkersons apartment, they knocked on the door and despite his fears, Wilkerson opened the door and let them inside. As soon as the gang got inside they began attacking the couple. They bound them with duct tape and gagged them, and then Linwood Briley raped Judy while in close proximity to her son and husband. When he was finished, Meekins, who was considered one the gang, continued to  sexually assault  and sodomize  the pregnant woman. The gang then went through the house and took whatever personal belongs that they wanted. Linwood put J.B. in charge and left the apartment with some of the stolen goods. J.B. told his brother Anthony and Meekins to cover Wilkerson and his wife with sheets. They left 5-year-old Harvey on the couch. J.B. then ordered Meekins to shoot Wilkerson. Meekins grabbed a pillow and shot through it multiple times and killed Wilkerson. J.B. then shot Judy, killing her and her unborn child. Anthony allegedly shot and killed the boy. The Brileys didnt know that the police had the area under  surveillance  and were aware that the gang had gone into Wilkersons apartment. When the police heard gunshots go off, they could not tell where the shooting was coming from and started canvassing the area. They spotted Meekins and two of the Briley brothers leaving Wilkersons apartment. They did not think that it was connected to the gunshots that they heard. Arrest Three days later the police received a request to do a welfare check on Wilkerson and Judy. As they approached the apartment, they found the front door was slightly ajar. Entering the apartment they walked into a macabre scene that, for even hardened police officers, was hard to handle. Apparently, before leaving the apartment the Briley brothers had let loose Wilkersons pet snakes. Also left inside for three days to fend for themselves were two Doberman puppies. Before the forensic team could begin their work, animal control had to come and clear the apartment. But the crime scene was so badly compromised by the puppies that much of the evidence collected was of little value. Having seen the Briley gang leaving the Wilkersons apartment on the day that the Wilkersons were murdered, made them the prime suspects in the murders. An arrest warrant was issued for the three brothers and for Meekins. When the police went to serve the warrants, Linwood, his father and Meekins took off in a car with the police following close behind. Linwood was the driver and he refused to pull over and continued to lead the police down several streets. Concerned about public safety, the police finally decided to force the car into a pole. Once the car crashed, Linwood continued to make run for it but was soon captured. Later, they found out that the other two Briley brothers had turned themselves into the police. Interrogation At this point, the only crimes that the police connected the Bailey brothers to were the Wilkerson murders. With so much tainted evidence, they knew that their best shot for convictions would be if one of them would enter into a plea agreement in exchange for pointing the finger at the killers. Duncan Meekins was just 16 year old and his background did not fit that of a cold-blooded killer. He lived with his parents in a nice home; he was a good student and attended church regularly. With the encouragement of his parents, he accepted a plea deal where he would be given a life sentence with the possibility of parole in exchange for all the details surrounding the crime. If he kept himself out of trouble in prison, he was looking at doing 12 to 15 years behind bars. As agreed, Meekins began talking and not just about the Wilkerson murders. He also provided details about other unsolved murders that had gone on during the worse crime spree that had ever hit Richmond. Prior to Meekins confession, investigators had not connected  what they thought were random acts of crime. The rapes and murders happened in different areas around Richmond. The race, sex and ages of the victims seemed to be random. Victims of serial killers often share a physical quality. Gang-related murders are usually rival gangs. When looking at the people raped and murdered by the Bailey brothers, the only major link that could be found was the brutality and  viciousness that had been shown by the murderers themselves.   Interrogating the Bailey brothers was frustrating. They were arrogant, defiant, and liked to push the patience of the interrogators. When questioning Linwood Bailey about the murder of  Johnny G. Gallaher, he mocked the investigator and told him he would never be convicted of the murder because there was no evidence linking him to it. The investigators then brought in a retired detective to interrogate Linwood. He had been a longtime friend of Gallahers.  As the interview began, the detective noticed Linwood was wearing a  turquoise  ring that belonged to Gallaher and one that he always wore. In fact, the detective had been with his friend when he bought it. With that evidence and more that was slowly uncovered, the Bailey brothers were charged with various crimes and some of the murders. Guilty Linwood Bailey was found guilty and given multiple life sentences and the death penalty for the murder of Gallaher. J.B. Bailey was also given multiple life sentences and two death penalty sentences for the murders of Judy Barton and her son. Anthony Bailey was given a life sentence with a possibility of parole. It could not be proven that he was directly responsible for any murders. Linwood and J.B. Briley  were sent to death row at Mecklenburg Correctional Center. It wasnt long before the pair had profitable drugs and weapons racket going on from the confines of death row. Escape It has been said that Linwood Briley had a certain magnetism about him and the prisoners and some of the guards liked to be on his good side. The guards probably thought it was of little consequence to keep him happy. After all, they were in a prison that had the most sophisticated security system in the state. But Linwood had spent several years paying attention to how things worked, the wording that guards would use when making requests to other prison units, and which guards were the least attentive and those who were friendly towards the inmates. On May 31, 1984, Linwood managed to get a guard to keep the door of the control room opened, just long enough for another inmate to rush in and release the locks on all of the death row cells. This allowed for there to be enough manpower to overtake the 14 guards that were assigned to that block. Ordered to strip down, Linwood, J.B. and four other inmates put on the guards uniforms and after a series of events were able to drive away from the prison in a prison van.   The plan was to go to Canada, but when the escapes reached Philadelphia, the Briley brothers separated from the group and met up with their uncle who had made arrangements for a place for them to stay. The brothers managed to stay free until June 19, 1984, when information retrieved from a wiretap placed on the uncles phone left the authorities to their hiding place. Executions Within months of being returned to prison, both Linwood and James Briley exhausted their appeals and execution dates were set. Linwood Briley was the first to be executed. Depending on which version you read, he either walked to the electric chair without assistance or he had to be sedated and dragged to the chair. Either way, on October 12, 1984, Linwood was executed. James Briley followed in his older brothers path as he had always done and was electrocuted in the same chair that his brother had died in months earlier. On April 18, 1985, James Briley was executed.   Anthony  Briley  remains in a Virginia prison. All efforts for his release have been denied by the parole board.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Australiana Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Australiana Literature - Essay Example e again tends to generates a dedoublement, one that there is no mistaking this time, and one that, if only for the reason that Whites tributary insertion of Dostoevskys The Brothers Karamazov into his own text, is noticeably self-referring. Is its resolution of this crisis - if that is what it is - recognizable as well? To answer in terms of Whites theme of representation-at-the-margin a good number of his story White holds out an optimism of an Australian vernacular writing that will yet remain in touch with a parent European Writing (Wilke p 97). Finally, however, what has seemed a bearable, if problematic relationship between Arthur and Waldo - and we are talking constantly regarding possibilities of representation - proves to be non-viable. As a replacement for of making for a productive synthesis, the narratives in the novel are known as "Arthur" and "Waldo" is but the same crisis of potentially aggressive confusion seen from somewhat different viewpoints. except the fact that white sees a number of positive sacrificial meaning at this point only obvious conclusion in The Solid Mandala is collapse or regression into an undifferentiated condition, into the extremely confusion of Same as well as Other it has tried to reconcile: Waldo Brown, dead of spite, in addition to his non-identical twin Arthur, sent to a mental institution, and keeping just one of his four solid mandalas. The conflict never affected their relationship as Arthur said at one occasion Ill kill," Arthur continued to bellow, "the pair of you bloody buggers if you touch," he choked, "my brother."( White p45) this showed how one brother protected the other Bound together in conflict, Waldo and Arthur represent duality in totality. Separate yet whole, the brothers symbolize the two opposing halves of the self. White advocates the need for both parts as well as for balance between the two. For example, Arthur’s insight—his almost visionary capability—is too otherworldly for this

Friday, February 7, 2020

Systems Analysis & Design Methods Research Paper

Systems Analysis & Design Methods - Research Paper Example The paper tells that strategic processes of an organization are its key concern. Systems Analysts and Project Managers are the integral individuals that perform inevitable tasks in the systems development processes of an organization. A specialized systems analyst possesses the following skills: Analytical Skills: 1. Functional insight The analytical skills possessed by a system analyst give him the insight to understand the different functions being performed within an organization. Furthermore it assists the identification of opportunities and problems. This insight further helps in the analysis and solving of problems. 2. Systems thinking One of the most important skills that system analysts possess is systems thinking. Systems’ thinking is the ability to see the organization as a whole system. To see how the different departments and information systems in an organization are in fact one combined whole system overall. Technical Skills: A systems Analyst possesses key technical skills for the betterment of the company. Possessing acute and up-to-date technical skills a systems analyst helps in understanding the limitations and potential of the implementation of information and communications technology within the systems of an organization. Management And Interpersonal Skills: A Systems Analyst is equipped with the latest and the most globally oriented managerial skills. These skills help in the management of projects, handling of resources, risk management and change. The interpersonal skills possessed by a systems analyst are helpful in his interaction with the end users of the system, other analysts of the system and system programmers. Figure 1Role of a System Analyst. Rational Software Corporation (2002) As shown in the figure above, a System Analyst performs the core task of coordinating among users and other professionals that are part of the backend of the system and are usually not directly in contact with the end users. Their role as an intermediary and facilitator, when performed with its true meanings, gives the organization what it actually needs: better means of coordination among stakeholders and system professionals and the ability to manage each task looking at each one of them as integral units of one major system. A person at the managerial position within the organization has a similarly integral role to play in the development of the system just like the system analyst. While a systems Analyst possesses substantial managerial skills, it is essential that the department of project management be assigned to individuals who may concentrate on this task only. The way in which a project manager plays

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Eighteenth Century Literature Essay Example for Free

Eighteenth Century Literature Essay At the start of the Eighteenth Century Literature the literary pieces focus on rational and scientific views on all aspects of life be it economic, social, political and religious. The period heralded the Age of Enlightenment which was the thought much prevalent of the day. The writers sought to determine universal principles on humanity, nature, and society. The eighteenth-century literate reflected this quest. Written pieces around this time attacked various spiritual and scientific authority, dogmatism, intolerance, censorship, and economic and social restraints. Thus we can see in Thomas Grays Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard expressedly deals with the social issues prevalent during their time particularly the wide gap between social class and the opportunity to attain greatness. These lines in the poem captured these views: â€Å"Let not Ambition mock their useful toil, Their homely joys, and destiny obscure; Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile The short and simple annals of the Poor. † Look more:  the importance of being earnest satire Grays tone throughout the poem is filled with regret. One can sense that something important is lost. This emotional tone captures the injustices that exist in the society due to wealth. He was actually voicing his opinions clearly against social class prejudices that was apparent during that period. In Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal also tackled the social ills during his time. This satirical essay used allusions to English oppressive attitudes toward the Irish. This is apparent in these lines I grant this food may be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for Landlords, who as they have already devoured most of the Parents, seem to have the best Title to the Children. He also pointed out criticisms on England on the way it mistreated Ireland: For this kind of commodity will not bear exportation, and flesh being of too tender a consistence, to admit a long continuance in salt, although perhaps I could name a country, which would be glad to eat up our whole nation without it. At first glance, the poem appeared to be criticisms heaped on England. But upon closer inspection one can also sense that Swift was expressing his sentiments on the conditions in Ireland, more specifically the can-do spirit of the times that pervaded the community which misled people into thinking that they can cure all social and economic ills specifically fix population and labor issues. Swift’s Modest Proposal talked about a burlesque of projects concerning the poor, that were considered fashionable in the early 18th century. Eighteenth Century Literature is characterized by extreme rationalism and skepticism which gave rise to deism or the belief in the existence of God which became the main theme in the succeeding era of Romanticism. This era is considered as the Age of Sensibility which of course clased with the ideals of the Middle Ages. Towards the end of the period, an intensifying focus on instinct and feeling instead of judgment and restraint was noted paving the way for the Romantic Literature. Romantic Literature During the period of Romanticism, industrialization was introduced. Steam engine was developed and this caused expansion of cities and a number of migrants leaving the countryside. Poor people flocked to the city. Issues such as class-conflicts and concerns on environmental pollution were prevalent. This developments in the era prompted the poets and the writers to seek solace in the beauty of nature. Thus, in most of their literary works we can see the universal theme of Mother Nature being the true cause of wisdome and the antidote to industrialization. Philosophers particularly Jean Jacques Rousseau tackled pertinent issues such as the supremacy or dominance of nature over civilization. A group of poets called Lake Poets from England espoused this philosophical view. Lake Poets comprised of a group of friends such as William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The work of these two poets reflect their sentiments perfectly. These Romantic Poets utilized emotions and reflections in their poets to get their message across. Wordsworth’s `I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud`and Coleridge’s `The Eolian Harp` reflected their thoughts about nature and how much they value it. â€Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by Wordsworth is about the beauty of nature and the need for introspection. This is best captured in the last lines of the poem: â€Å"For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. † Nature after all is best understood and appreciated in solitude. Solitude here however does not mean loneliness but inner peace or tranquility which is the by-product of being in commune with the natural order. Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s `The Eolian Harp` also tackles the beauty that nature brings. The Eolian Harp is a stringed instrument which produces music when placed in an open window allowing breeze to pass over it. The eolian harp was often used by poets in the Romantic period to represent creativity. Just like Wordsworth’s poem, it sought to cope with pensiveness and nature as the solution or cure for this pensiveness as apparent in the first lines of the poem: â€Å"My pensive SARA ! thy soft cheek reclined Thus on mine arm, most soothing sweet it is To sit beside our Cot, our Cot oergrown With white-flowerd Jasmin, and the broad-leavd Myrtle† Coleridge and Wordsworth, however, have different versions of romanticism. Coleridge wanted to make the paranormal real or believable. Wordsworth’s idea of romanticism is to stir the imagination of readers using real characters. Victorian Literature During the Victorian Era (1837 – 1901), novels and poems were no longer written mainly to please the aristocratic few but to make an impression and cater to the tastes of the much larger middle class. The novels were also getting wider acceptance around this time. In this era, romantic images of the past were extolled. The writers use everyday language and combine it with classical and traditional language to symbolize the ushering of modernity in the Victorian period. At that period, the economy was developing, the nobility was gaining less prominence, and the class structures were vanishing. There is a expressed need for Victorian poets to find a voice that would capture the essence of their time and place. Rudyyard, Kipling ` Danny Deever` attempts to portray the inner turmoils of a man about to be executed. The poem is about military execution parade with Danny Deever. What makes you look so white, so white? said Files-on-Parade. Im dreadin what Ive got to watch, the Colour-Sergeant said. For theyre hangin Danny Deever, you can hear the Dead March play, The regiments in ollow square theyre hangin him to-day; Danny is to be executed by hanging because he killed a fellow soldier while he was asleep. One can sense the concerns of the soldier. Another important poet in the Victorian Era is William Ernest Henley who wrote â€Å"Invictus. † His poems were largely based on his personal reflections of his life and his situation being an amputee who suffered tuberculosis of the bone. â€Å"In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowd. † The common theme that ran through the poems is about struggles in life. Danny Deever struggled with his work as a soldier and in Invictus, struggles against disease was obvious. Literature in Victorian era is largely characterized as certain, conservative and objective. Writers in this area had learned to live with realities plaguing them be it social, economic and religious. Certainty in both poems come in the form of death and struggles. The views during this literary period were predominantly conservative especially when it came to social perspectives. The upheavals the people experienced during the romantic era had died down in the Victorian era. Much of the poets’ works around this time served to link and prepared writers as they paved way for the modern era. The literary pieces around this time also tended to reminiscing the past particularly the stories in the classical literature and the medieval literature of England. The Victorians cherised the the heroism, chivalry and nobility of the knights in the past and hoped to recapture that behavior in their period.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

International Adoption Essay -- Adoption Adopting Children Family Essa

The birth of a girl has never been a cause for celebration in China, and stories of peasant farmers drowning newborn girls in buckets of water have been commonplace for centuries. Now, however, as a direct result of the one-child policy, the number of baby girls being abandoned, aborted, or dumped on orphanage steps is unprecedented. Adopting Internationally Adoption is procedure by which people legally assume the role of parents for a person who is not their biological child. Adopted children become full members of their adopted family and have the same legal status as biological children. Although the majority of people who adopt are married couples, many single people also adopt. Many people seek to adopt when they discover that they cannot give birth to biological children. Others adopt children to add new members to a family that includes biological children. Many people adopt simply to give a home and family to children who might not otherwise have them. Likewise, children become available for adoption for a variety of reasons. Some children are orphans. Some biological parents make arrangements for their children to be adopted because they cannot care for them due to illness or personal problems. Other children are abandoned by their biological parents (Adoption, CD-ROM). Adoption is a common practice throughout the world and throughout history. However, laws regulating adoption vary from country to country. People seeking to adopt in a country other than the one in which they live, a process known as international adoption, should familiarize themselves with the laws of that country. Similarly, although every province recognizes adoption, provincial laws regarding specific aspects of adoption vary. INTERNATIONAL ADOPTION A significant number of people seek to adopt children from other countries, a process known as international adoption. People seek to adopt abroad for many 1 reasons. Many people want to adopt an infant or a very young child. Some also hope to adopt children who share their ethnic heritage. Such prospective parents may find a shortage of suitable children available for adoption in Canada. Publicity regarding the availability of infants in a particular country also encourages some people to seek to adopt there. Many people adopt abroad because of anxieties regarding d... all," the letter read. "Our investigations confirm that those reports are vicious fabrications made out of ulterior motives. The contemptible lie about China's welfare work in orphanages cannot but arouse the indignation of the Chinese people, especially the great number of social workers who are working hard for children's welfare."(Adoption, CD-ROM). The day after the program was shown, questions were raised in the House of Commons about China's one-child policy and its dying rooms. Predictably, however, no one has raised the subject of providing massive aid for a collapsed and famine-ridden China in the event of its population rising to, say, 2.4 billion if this generation is allowed to have two children per family. "We don't want to criticize the one-child policy," says Dr. Blewett. "But we want to focus on the problems it is causing which can be solved." The documentary features a tour of a privately run, locally funded orphanage where the children are happy, healthy, and loved. "We were very keen to show what can be done with the right attitude," says Blewett. "No child should suffer the kind of neglect we filmed." (Hilditch, World Wide Press).